Jakob Lorber (July 22, 1800?August 24, 1864) was a Christian mystic and visionary who referred to himself as "God's scribe".
He wrote that on 15 March 1840 he began hearing an 'inner voice' from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. By the time of his death 24 years later he had written manuscripts equivalent to 10,000 pages in print, expecting and receiving no financial reward for his work.
Lorber claimed to be unable to understand many of the things he was told by the inner voice, writing about scientific objects or concepts such as atoms, elementary particles and the tremendous energy potential in matter long before they had been invented or discovered.[5] He wrote of an age of technology when man would invent wireless communication, fly across oceans and build iron wagons travelling faster than arrows; but also of the consequences of burning fossil fuels, of air pollution, deforestation and their potential for great devastation, causing great storms and earthquakes.[6] He wrote that machines like living beings would perform human tasks "and thereby many human hands will become idle and the stomachs of the poor and jobless will go hungry". He also made assertions such as the Sun or Saturn being inhabited (in spiritual rather than material form). Even though only a few pages of his manuscript were published during his lifetime, he predicted that eventually it would all be published and studied throughout the world, as it is today.Lorber seems to anticpate the internet in some of his writings, saying that his 10,000 pages of dictated script would one day, go all over the world. And it has. The wrtings are reportedly an updated version of the Bible.
Some people studying the writings of Lorber today, report internal voices emanating from their hearts. Just like Jakob.That is Gnosis. They have a youtube channel. And a friendship network. Elisabeth Steffen in Germany, student of Jakob Lorber, became a LAY GNOSTIC by stumbling into the first video, and has lived happily ever after, with vivid dreams, nudges, independent hand tingles, like we all do, around here. Elisabeth introuduced me to the Jakob Lorber Channel on Youtube.
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer -Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
Friday, September 26, 2008
LAY GNOSIS and Transcendental Meditation
A monk from India, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, introduced TM to the western world in the 1960's.
It was associated with the Beatles, and continues to grow, worldwide today, even after his recent death, at 91. The TM organisation of the Maharishi, produced the finest quality meditation teachers, and spread mantra meditation throughout western society until it became a household word.
Always anxious to use the scientific metaphor, the western pseudo religion, Maharsihi was instrumental in having western scientific medicine recognise, the proven physical and mental benefits, of meditation to entire populations in many large, supervised rigorous studies. Out of large population studies rigorously supervised, it was discovered that TM meditators in groups actually reduced negative behaviours in other people nearby. It was shown that city crime rates, including murders, were reduced if a group of TM Sidhi practicioners visited and did regular deep meditations. This was extended to strife torn, war torn, cities, at a number of world trouble spots. Repeatedly the same predictable reduction in destructive behaviours, occurred when the meditator group visited. This proven phenomenon passed scientifc peer review. (The Maharishi effect)
On that proven scientific basis, it was inferred that a small group of people meditating on every continent would be sufficient, to bring the extinguishment of war. Globally. This was never disputed by informed scientists.
And when the scientifc data that proved a warless world was possible , if only a bit of money would be spent on the maintenance of groups of meditators, it was coldly rebuffed by the Reagan Administration, The White House being the puppet of the US military indistrial complex, the clique that insists, that the only way to advance civilisation is war, by forever looking backward at the wartorn historic record.
So if you came to this LAYMAN'S GNOSIS website from a background of TM practice, I can only commend you for an excellent choice of daily lifestyle improvement.
And do not feel disappointed that the Maharishi Effect, to establish world peace , was rebuffed. There is another way. Here. LAYMAN'S GNOSIS is physically contagious and requires no meditation and can happily augment your TM ! Imagine the extra possibilities ! So the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is not beaten yet. Jai Guru Dev.
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com -Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
It was associated with the Beatles, and continues to grow, worldwide today, even after his recent death, at 91. The TM organisation of the Maharishi, produced the finest quality meditation teachers, and spread mantra meditation throughout western society until it became a household word.
Always anxious to use the scientific metaphor, the western pseudo religion, Maharsihi was instrumental in having western scientific medicine recognise, the proven physical and mental benefits, of meditation to entire populations in many large, supervised rigorous studies. Out of large population studies rigorously supervised, it was discovered that TM meditators in groups actually reduced negative behaviours in other people nearby. It was shown that city crime rates, including murders, were reduced if a group of TM Sidhi practicioners visited and did regular deep meditations. This was extended to strife torn, war torn, cities, at a number of world trouble spots. Repeatedly the same predictable reduction in destructive behaviours, occurred when the meditator group visited. This proven phenomenon passed scientifc peer review. (The Maharishi effect)
On that proven scientific basis, it was inferred that a small group of people meditating on every continent would be sufficient, to bring the extinguishment of war. Globally. This was never disputed by informed scientists.
And when the scientifc data that proved a warless world was possible , if only a bit of money would be spent on the maintenance of groups of meditators, it was coldly rebuffed by the Reagan Administration, The White House being the puppet of the US military indistrial complex, the clique that insists, that the only way to advance civilisation is war, by forever looking backward at the wartorn historic record.
So if you came to this LAYMAN'S GNOSIS website from a background of TM practice, I can only commend you for an excellent choice of daily lifestyle improvement.
And do not feel disappointed that the Maharishi Effect, to establish world peace , was rebuffed. There is another way. Here. LAYMAN'S GNOSIS is physically contagious and requires no meditation and can happily augment your TM ! Imagine the extra possibilities ! So the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is not beaten yet. Jai Guru Dev.
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com -Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
LAY GNOSIS Natural Origins
Two intelligences living in the individual's internal awareness one as as a silent or near silent partner can be found in all cultures and all epochs.
Example Socrates "You have often heard me talk of a divine oracle or Guide that comes to me. It is a kind of voice that I first heard in childhood. It always tells me what not to do but never commands me to do anything" (theme of freewill and companionship from a second internal intelligence)
Plato talked about a second Internal intelligence dwelling within-"Someone who has used his life for learning true wisdom and exercised his higher nature if he finds the truth he cannot fail to attain immortality as completely as human nature allows because he has always nurtured his Divine essence in himself. His Guardian Genius. He is the happiest of people."
Pythagoras a second intelligence in everyone "Father Zeus, free them from their great suffering and show everyone of them the Genius who is their guide"
And we just can't omit Joan of Arc can we?- another gnostic who listened to an inner voice, her second internal intelligence. Her Genius.
Marcus Aurellius- Two coexisting intelligences again-"Who lives with the Gods? Those who are always satisfied with what has been assigned to them and who obey the prompting of their Genius; a portion of himself that God has given to every human being to be their guide and guardian, their intelligence and understandings. "
With New Natural Law LAY GNOSIS is physically contagious from a website http://www.truebluehealer.com
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
Example Socrates "You have often heard me talk of a divine oracle or Guide that comes to me. It is a kind of voice that I first heard in childhood. It always tells me what not to do but never commands me to do anything" (theme of freewill and companionship from a second internal intelligence)
Plato talked about a second Internal intelligence dwelling within-"Someone who has used his life for learning true wisdom and exercised his higher nature if he finds the truth he cannot fail to attain immortality as completely as human nature allows because he has always nurtured his Divine essence in himself. His Guardian Genius. He is the happiest of people."
Pythagoras a second intelligence in everyone "Father Zeus, free them from their great suffering and show everyone of them the Genius who is their guide"
And we just can't omit Joan of Arc can we?- another gnostic who listened to an inner voice, her second internal intelligence. Her Genius.
Marcus Aurellius- Two coexisting intelligences again-"Who lives with the Gods? Those who are always satisfied with what has been assigned to them and who obey the prompting of their Genius; a portion of himself that God has given to every human being to be their guide and guardian, their intelligence and understandings. "
With New Natural Law LAY GNOSIS is physically contagious from a website http://www.truebluehealer.com
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
LAY GNOSIS and Wayne Dyer
Wayne Dyer is an established, renowned, motivational speaker and semi-gnostic to boot.
He quietly emphasises, that there is much more to ourselves than we might first think.
He coaches people to raise their self awareness, by questioning the ownership of their thoughts. He alludes to a second internal intelligence in all of us, functioning mostly as a silent partner , which seems to intervene occasionally, sufficiently in our lives, to produce many coincidental events that are just too noticeable, to be ignored.
If you have a Wayne Dyer affinity, you have done yourself an excellent service.
For resounding ,and physical confirmation of that second intelligence, you will now readily understand LAY MAN'S GNOSIS. You will take to it, like a duck to water.
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
He quietly emphasises, that there is much more to ourselves than we might first think.
He coaches people to raise their self awareness, by questioning the ownership of their thoughts. He alludes to a second internal intelligence in all of us, functioning mostly as a silent partner , which seems to intervene occasionally, sufficiently in our lives, to produce many coincidental events that are just too noticeable, to be ignored.
If you have a Wayne Dyer affinity, you have done yourself an excellent service.
For resounding ,and physical confirmation of that second intelligence, you will now readily understand LAY MAN'S GNOSIS. You will take to it, like a duck to water.
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
LAY GNOSIS and Abraham-Hicks
A notable source of quality gnosis information is Abraham-Hicks.
Bringing gnosis knowedge to mainstream media is an achievement most praiseworthy.
Hicks achieved this state of gnosis by the time honoured technique of meditation.She became so highly attuned, she was able to experience the rare ultimate gnosis outcome of being able to 'call in' another intelligence, to directly speak through her mouth to an audience.
This is not a common occurrence.If the average person meditates intensively for a long time, as instructed, you likely only come to experience this channelled intelligence as voice and image in your mind's eye. That is as far as it goes, for most.Odd people seem 'chosen' to become spokespersons.Such as Hicks.
What the channelled intelligence ultimately is, can be food for thought.Typically using a nondescript name, Abraham, an ingenious term, SOURCE , is used to refer to the second intelligence in everyone, so as not to provoke emotional derailment, of the audience thought process.
This mainstream media phenomenon, Abraham- Hicks is time honoured, old fashion styled gnosis that has been Natural Law for millenia.
Now, New Natural Law manifests as LAYMAN's GNOSIS, that is an enhanced form of gnosis. It has inclusions of signalling into ones physicality, in two different ways, to utterly quench any doubts, as well as ensuring clarity of communication with the second intelligence in everyone.
Notably this modern LAYMAN's GNOSIS requires no effort whatsoever from the practicioner. No meditation. No study. It does not interrupt today's busy lifestyle.And it's FREEThe second intelligence drip feeds into one's personal awareness after being triggered by this website. So if you have encountered Abraham-Hicks on the way to this site ,you came via a stepping stone, put there, for you..
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com Regardless of beliefs--Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
Bringing gnosis knowedge to mainstream media is an achievement most praiseworthy.
Hicks achieved this state of gnosis by the time honoured technique of meditation.She became so highly attuned, she was able to experience the rare ultimate gnosis outcome of being able to 'call in' another intelligence, to directly speak through her mouth to an audience.
This is not a common occurrence.If the average person meditates intensively for a long time, as instructed, you likely only come to experience this channelled intelligence as voice and image in your mind's eye. That is as far as it goes, for most.Odd people seem 'chosen' to become spokespersons.Such as Hicks.
What the channelled intelligence ultimately is, can be food for thought.Typically using a nondescript name, Abraham, an ingenious term, SOURCE , is used to refer to the second intelligence in everyone, so as not to provoke emotional derailment, of the audience thought process.
This mainstream media phenomenon, Abraham- Hicks is time honoured, old fashion styled gnosis that has been Natural Law for millenia.
Now, New Natural Law manifests as LAYMAN's GNOSIS, that is an enhanced form of gnosis. It has inclusions of signalling into ones physicality, in two different ways, to utterly quench any doubts, as well as ensuring clarity of communication with the second intelligence in everyone.
Notably this modern LAYMAN's GNOSIS requires no effort whatsoever from the practicioner. No meditation. No study. It does not interrupt today's busy lifestyle.And it's FREEThe second intelligence drip feeds into one's personal awareness after being triggered by this website. So if you have encountered Abraham-Hicks on the way to this site ,you came via a stepping stone, put there, for you..
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com Regardless of beliefs--Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
LAY GNOSIS and Deepak Chopra
I knew Deepak Chopra in Sydney in about 1980 before he was superstar.
When he was an MD working for the Transcendental Meditation organisation, as a TM teacher.
I was a long term TM meditator myself. He was a modern conventionally educated doctor who recognised the scientific reality and the potential of simple regular meditation practise bringing a wide variety of health and happiness benefits to a society.
He is now a daily practiconer of the advanced TM Sidhi technique devoting some two hours daily to that practice. He went to the US and became the public face of the TM movement, frequently on Oprah , authoring some 50 books. Providing lifestyle advice from the perpsective of the Unified Field Technology otherwise called Transcendental meditation. Great headway he has made, popularising what is a tried and tested old style gnosis attainment technique, requiring daily devotion to meditations twice daily..
So successful is he that organised religions express public dread at the rising tide of Gnosis knowledge, that threatens to expose religions in their true light, as a fifth wheel.
If you are a devotee, student, admirer, reader, of Deepak Chopra you just can't get a better quality teacher. And if you came to this website with some of Deepak Chopra's teachings you are the best prepared for the icing on the cake. LAYMAN'S GNOSIS. Welcome Home Godling
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
When he was an MD working for the Transcendental Meditation organisation, as a TM teacher.
I was a long term TM meditator myself. He was a modern conventionally educated doctor who recognised the scientific reality and the potential of simple regular meditation practise bringing a wide variety of health and happiness benefits to a society.
He is now a daily practiconer of the advanced TM Sidhi technique devoting some two hours daily to that practice. He went to the US and became the public face of the TM movement, frequently on Oprah , authoring some 50 books. Providing lifestyle advice from the perpsective of the Unified Field Technology otherwise called Transcendental meditation. Great headway he has made, popularising what is a tried and tested old style gnosis attainment technique, requiring daily devotion to meditations twice daily..
So successful is he that organised religions express public dread at the rising tide of Gnosis knowledge, that threatens to expose religions in their true light, as a fifth wheel.
If you are a devotee, student, admirer, reader, of Deepak Chopra you just can't get a better quality teacher. And if you came to this website with some of Deepak Chopra's teachings you are the best prepared for the icing on the cake. LAYMAN'S GNOSIS. Welcome Home Godling
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
LAY GNOSIS and Eckhart Tolle
If you have grazed through Eckhart Tolle, on the way, to the LAYMAN'S GNOSIS website you have done yourself a favour.
Eckhart encourages people to question and map their own internal architecture, and to beneficially challenge the origins and responses to their own thoughts. To know oneself a lot better. And thus others.
Eck hart's process here is a perennial wisdom, and is too often ignored, in modern societies to our detriment.
Eckhart's approach is to use intellectual process, for self attunement.This is often accompanied by meditation, relaxation and contemplation.This process can gradually, but slowly, lead to a state of Gnosis.But it is very slow. It can take decades.A feature, of this ancient approach to Gnosis is that all of the effort comes from the practicioner. It is entirely the practicioner's personal, effort that moves a person along the path. Therein lies a weakness of this method, as it has been likened to the average person walking a tightrope, for decades. Also, there is no physical proof, that you are not just imagining all of this.
Contrast this with LAYMAN'S GNOSIS, which works in a completely opposite way.
Everything is done for you. It flows into you. A second intelligence drip feeds into a person and showns them their internal map with PHYSICAL INDICATORS. The entire complex theory of internal architecture so difficult to verbalise, is shown in a single simple picture. The blue egg diagram.20 minutes supplies physical evidence that something dramatic and real has changed. Daily repeatable evidence snowballs and gives way in 3-4 months to yet another physical evidence !
It is obvious that mainstream media teachers like Eckhart Tolle, well prepare people, for the final event, which is physically contactable LAYMAN'S GNOSIS, induced in this automated website, that can produce millions of gnostics weekly.
Eckhart Tolle take a bow.
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://truebluehealer.com/ -Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
Eckhart encourages people to question and map their own internal architecture, and to beneficially challenge the origins and responses to their own thoughts. To know oneself a lot better. And thus others.
Eck hart's process here is a perennial wisdom, and is too often ignored, in modern societies to our detriment.
Eckhart's approach is to use intellectual process, for self attunement.This is often accompanied by meditation, relaxation and contemplation.This process can gradually, but slowly, lead to a state of Gnosis.But it is very slow. It can take decades.A feature, of this ancient approach to Gnosis is that all of the effort comes from the practicioner. It is entirely the practicioner's personal, effort that moves a person along the path. Therein lies a weakness of this method, as it has been likened to the average person walking a tightrope, for decades. Also, there is no physical proof, that you are not just imagining all of this.
Contrast this with LAYMAN'S GNOSIS, which works in a completely opposite way.
Everything is done for you. It flows into you. A second intelligence drip feeds into a person and showns them their internal map with PHYSICAL INDICATORS. The entire complex theory of internal architecture so difficult to verbalise, is shown in a single simple picture. The blue egg diagram.20 minutes supplies physical evidence that something dramatic and real has changed. Daily repeatable evidence snowballs and gives way in 3-4 months to yet another physical evidence !
It is obvious that mainstream media teachers like Eckhart Tolle, well prepare people, for the final event, which is physically contactable LAYMAN'S GNOSIS, induced in this automated website, that can produce millions of gnostics weekly.
Eckhart Tolle take a bow.
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://truebluehealer.com/ -Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
Wondrous and thrilling is the NDE with its many potential revelations.
Downsides can include :
1/ Dying is disruptive. Possibly inconvenient for yourself and loved ones. Late for work etc 2/ Most people forget the revelations very quickly.(Complete waste)
3/. Most people report experiencing nothing on revival.
4/ Not widely available. Is actually quite rare.
So Lay Gnosis is virtually opposite to the above.
1/ Does not disrupt your life at all with the gentle 3 yr drip feed. Do it with loved ones.
2/ Every revelation is in normal consciousness. Physical evidence provided for assurance.
3/ People are encouraged to diary their revelations. Nothing is forgotten.
4/ Works on everybody- no exceptions. And of course, you stay alive (recommended)
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://truebluehealer.com/ Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
LAY GNOSIS Embrace your Guardian Angel

50 % of people report from personal experience they have a Guardian Angel. But just what are they really describing? It's actually occasional gnosis, that second intelligence within them, breaking it's usual silence. It can be made permanent at www.truebluehealer.com by LAY GNOSIS
Literature advises Angels seldom physically manifest, remaining invisible mostly.
Literature advises Angels seldom physically manifest, remaining invisible mostly.
People who report these "Angelic" interventions are semi gnostics.
An outstanding feature is that they trust themselves, trust their own experience above all. This is very heartening.
The online article notes the large numbers of people (50%) who happily admit to hearing voices occasionally or when in dire straits. And notice in the Time Magazine article, surprise is expressed, that the experience crosses all social boundaries, implying it is completely natural.
So it's not a religious event !
A list of evidence and signs in an Angels book includes Clairvoyance - Your Angels may speak to you in pictures or images. Angelic messages may come to you as snapshots, visible to your eyes or simply floating or flashing in your mind. Or, you might see minitature scenes as if from a movie. .Visual messages from Angels are sometimes symbolic, such as seeing a halt sign, indicating you should slow down or cease what you are doing.
Clairsentience -Another way we receive Angelic guidance is through our emotions and physical sensations.This is "clear feeling". Clairsentients receive divine guidance through body sensations or through strong or subtle emotions.
Clairaudience hearing the voice of an Angel is called clairaudience. An Angelic voice may seem human or it may sound different. The voice can emanate from within your body, within your mind or sound as if its outside your head. "When an Angel warned me my motobike was about to be stolen, his voice sounded as if he was talking through paper towel just outside my right ear"
" You know that guidance comes from Angels when it is loving, focused, consistent and not hurtful to anyone." Does that sound familiar Godlings?
These "signs of Angels" are experienced daily by LAY GNOSTICS and they know that second intelligence within themselves is doing all of it. Plus physical indicators through the skin. So the " Guardian Angel" metaphor useful though it is, prevents millions of people from knowing what they really are. Knowing their true internal construction.The book says many people experiencing "Angels" want more of it and want it permanently. So also, does the real SOURCE of all these little occasional signals. So how do we bring Layman's Gnosis to them ? To supply that "heaven within" that they sense within themselves. How does this website get their attention? Answer. YOU tell them.
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com/ Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
Contagious LAY GNOSIS potential is enormous
The potentials of contagious Lay Gnosis are enormous.
Consider : Though the website costs only $10 monthly, it can process 10,000 people into the light, daily. In 8 languages.
The function of the http://truebluehealer.com website is to process people into the light, on an industrial scale, to transform societies by completing many persons' internal architecture.
LG is about introducing a uniform experience of God globally. It brings lucky born gnostics, and people who have found semi gnosis somehow, and those who assiduously worked toward it with many years of dedication (old fashioned, ancient style gnosis via yoga and meditation), all onto the same platform, with religious people and the millions who have been wrongly convinced they are just scientific animals. Everybody gets physical indicators. That's on the WHY page.
So this simple website can be a formidable industrial scale instrument, to midwife those millions of closet "seekers", sensing that inner void, into the light.
The millions of "wandering ones" don't know this website opportunity exists. They can only learn by word of mouth, from people like you, dear reader. It is an act of affection to just mention this business, to someone . It goes without saying, this gets you brownie points, with the Chief. This knowledge makes YOU powerfull.
And last, but not least, the famous John Lennon "Imagine" dreamscape can be achieved by Lay Gnosis, as populations gradually obtain personal physical proof, that heaven is within, and above us, only sky, nothing to kill or die for, a brotherhood of man.
Consider : Though the website costs only $10 monthly, it can process 10,000 people into the light, daily. In 8 languages.
The function of the http://truebluehealer.com website is to process people into the light, on an industrial scale, to transform societies by completing many persons' internal architecture.
LG is about introducing a uniform experience of God globally. It brings lucky born gnostics, and people who have found semi gnosis somehow, and those who assiduously worked toward it with many years of dedication (old fashioned, ancient style gnosis via yoga and meditation), all onto the same platform, with religious people and the millions who have been wrongly convinced they are just scientific animals. Everybody gets physical indicators. That's on the WHY page.
So this simple website can be a formidable industrial scale instrument, to midwife those millions of closet "seekers", sensing that inner void, into the light.
The millions of "wandering ones" don't know this website opportunity exists. They can only learn by word of mouth, from people like you, dear reader. It is an act of affection to just mention this business, to someone . It goes without saying, this gets you brownie points, with the Chief. This knowledge makes YOU powerfull.
And last, but not least, the famous John Lennon "Imagine" dreamscape can be achieved by Lay Gnosis, as populations gradually obtain personal physical proof, that heaven is within, and above us, only sky, nothing to kill or die for, a brotherhood of man.
LAY GNOSIS delivers what religions cannot.
Religions deliver only hope and faith and belief, promises. LAY GNOSIS delivers personal experience to everyone with physical evidence.
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com -- Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com -- Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
LAY GNOSIS brings your guardian Angel home to Roost
What many people mistakenly interpret as their Guardian Angel, is actually occasional fleeting internal GNOSIS. The person's second intelligence, normally a silent partner will convey a spoken message internally in a crisis event.
This rare dialogue can be made permanent with LAYMAN'S GNOSIS.
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com/ -Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
This rare dialogue can be made permanent with LAYMAN'S GNOSIS.
To the calmly curious- For physical evidence of a second intelligence within yourself-Vivid Dreams onset, plus repeatable handtingles- search YouTube on LAY GNOSIS 1 BEGIN HERE site http://www.truebluehealer.com/ -Regardless of beliefs-Even atheist testimonials, including doctors from 4 countries. 10-12 mins gets you started. A growing list of triggered 12 month gnostic veterans contactable. And its FREE
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